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Our History and Mission Statement
Safehome Systems Inc. started as a grassroots effort to provide emergency shelter to the victims of domestic violence. Prior to 1987, the local Community Services Board met the needs of the victims. They were not able to continue providing services due to budgets cuts and liability.
Safehome obained corporate status effective April 22, 1987. Soon thereafter, the IRS approved our tax-exempt status as a non-profit corporation. Initially, victims of domestic violence were sheltered in private homes for 72 hour periods.
It soon became apparent that there was a need for a permanent shelter. A house was purchased in December 1990. After extensive work, the shelter officially opened in September 1991.
The needs fo the community were greater than the 12 person capacity shelter could accomidate. In 1996, a grant was submitted and approved by the Alleghany Foundation for the purchase of our current shelter. We can now shelter up to 28 individuals.
Mission Statement
Safehome Systems Inc. provides services for any and allo victims and survivors of domestic violence and their children, with the ultimate goal of making every home in the Alleghany HIghlands a safe home.
Just a Note...
Shelter staff would like to thank all those that have made donations and contributions to the shelter.
Without the publics help, we would not be here.